EIS is now Sealogy!

Sealogy BASIC Cover

Our Sealogy BASIC Cover is a named Peril Cover. That means it provides insurance protection only against specific risks or "perils" explicitly listed in the policy and the Terms & Conditions. If a peril isn't named, it's not covered. For example, if your policy lists theft, grounding and collision as covered perils, then damage caused by any other event would not be covered.

Our BASIC Cover is a cost effective way to protect against many of the most relevant risks for yacht owners. In some cases - mostly very special risks - BASIC Cover may be the only cover we can provide.

Sealogy BASIC - Third Party Liability Cover

Liability of the skipper and other persons authorized to operate the vessel

Free of charge: Liability of operation of tenders with a drive power of up to: 5hp

Liability of operation of tenders

Liability arising from the towing of water skiers and paragliders

Liability of the water skiers as long as they are being pulled by the vessel (subsidiary cover)

Liability for damage occurring during participation in sailing regattas or during the associated transfer trips

Liability of the insured persons if they are called upon by a boat in distress to render assistance, and damage is caused to the ship in distress as a result of this assistance measure – e.g., a line connection

Liability for financial loss arising from insured events which occurred during the validity of the insurance policy

Liability for direct or indirect consequences of changes in a body of water's physical, chemical, or biological quality, including groundwater (Water Pollution)

Liability of the policyholder and the co-insured persons arising from the driving or operation of third-party watercraft and/or their equipment, inventory, and accessories (subsidiary cover) - this cover is only available in our Sealogy TOP Product

Liability claims of co-insured persons against each other for personal injuries that are not occupational accidents in the policyholder's business as well as property damage - this cover is only available in our Sealogy TOP Product

Liability arising from damage to rented storage rooms and jetties (up to EUR 200,000) rented for private purposes for the accommodation or storage of the boat - this cover is only available in our Sealogy TOP Product

Sealogy BASIC - Hull & Machinery Cover

Cost effective Named Perils Cover: Collision, Grounding, Stranding, Fire and Explosion, Theft, Vandalism, Force Majeure, Lightning and Mast Breakage

Insurance cover extends to the yacht, including machinery, equipment, inventory, dinghies, accessories, and personal effects

Including insurance cover for a named trailer in the event of Fire, Explosion, Theft, and total loss as a result of an Accident or Force Majeure

In the event of a total loss: current value

In the event of partial damage: repair costs with deductions for depreciation

Non-named personal effects, equipment and accessories up to 1% of the sum insured up to 100 Euro per item

Insurance cover on water and land, including landing and launching

Insurance cover for land transport and the trailered boat by ferry

Expenses for salvage, salvage attempts, and, if necessary, disposal are covered up to sum insured (in addition to the sum insured)

Expenses of the policyholder are insured to avert and mitigate a loss up to an amount of 20 % of the sum insured

Consequential damage to yacht and boat due to rain, snow, heat, oxidation, rodents, wear and tear, construction faults, manufacturing or material defects - this cover is only available in our Sealogy TOP Product

Cost of a replacement skipper in case of unforeseen illness of the skipper (up to 1,100 EUR) to the port of departure or destination - this cover is only available in our Sealogy TOP Product

Transport costs to the shipyard and back

Including Regatta Risk / Competition Risk for Sailboats at Club Regattas

No deductible in the event of theft of the outboard motor when equipped with a GPS/GSM transponder

No deductible for damage caused by lightning and transport, collision, and fire damage caused solely by third parties - this cover is only available in our Sealogy TOP Product

No deductible in the event of a total loss of the yacht, theft of personal effects, equipment, and accessories that are not permanently installed - this cover is only available in our Sealogy TOP Product

No deductible in the event of grounding for inspection costs of the yacht - this cover is only available in our Sealogy TOP Product

Sealogy BASIC - Personal Accident Cover

Worldwide cover on board of the insured boat and its tender

Insured persons: policyholder (owner), skipper, crew members, visitors, and guests

Double disability benefit limited to EUR 200,000/person from 90 % disability

Compensation of up to EUR 3,000 for sea salvage, search and rescue costs - this cover is only available in our Sealogy TOP Product

Reimburse medical fees, other operation costs, hospitalization, and denture costs for cosmetic operations up to EUR 3,000 - this cover is only available in our Sealogy TOP Product