EIS is now Sealogy!

Report a Claim to us

If you are insured with us please proceed as described below.

As a general note, please communicate with us proactively and as soon and early as possible providing as much information as possible. This will help you and us to make the decisions how to handle the damage, minimize the damage and pay our any compensation to you quickly and complications-free.

Sealogy Claims Hotline: +49 (0)30 214082-20

In important and/or urgent cases, you can reach our claims management team 24hours 7 days a week.

Report a Third Party Liability Claim

In the event that a Third Party Liability damage occurs, please proceed as follows:

  • Do not make any acknowledgments to the injured parties
  • Always refer them to your liability insurance. If you receive a payment order or an order from administrative authorities regarding compensation, please file an objection or the necessary legal remedies within the deadline

Please note: If you grossly negligently violate these obligations, this may result in a reduction of the insurance benefits (including a complete reduction to zero) depending on the severity of your fault. The reduction will not occur if you can prove that the obligation was not violated through gross negligence.

Submit the following information to us promptly:

  • The location where the damage occurred
  • A copy of the skipper's license
  • A damage report with pictures (digital) documenting the damage
  • Contact details, correspondence, and any claims from the injured party, if available
  • In case of fire, explosion, or accident, the report to the harbor authority and/or police
  • In case of a maritime accident: the logbook and the nautical chart with the marked route of all vehicles/persons involved in the accident and the point of the accident
  • In case of chartering: the charter contract with terms, as well as the handover and return protocols.
General Claims Form

Report a Hull & Machinery Claim

In the event that a Hull and Machinery damage occurs, please proceed as follows:

  • Immediately initiate damage-minimizing measures
  • In case of theft or any other criminal act by third parties, report this immediately to the nearest police station and file a criminal complaint
  • For an estimated damage amount of 2,500 EUR or more, please preliminarily report by phone to us
  • Take photos (entire boat with boat name and the damaged area, detailed photos of the damage with a recognizable scale)
  • Create an accident report including sketches, and have it signed by all parties involved if possible
  • Report the damage in writing as soon as possible using the damage report form below

After receiving your damage report, our claims department will contact you to discuss the further steps.

Important: The repair of the damage may only be carried out after approval by the insurer.

H&M Claims Form

Report a Personal Accident Claim

In the event of a personal accident, please proceed as follows:

  • If you require medical assistance, go to a hospital or contact emergency services
  • Have the accident and its consequences documented by a doctor (medical report)
  • Please contact us by phone, if possible in advance under the below states phone number
  • Take photos of the accident site and the resulting consequences
  • Send us the crew list and details of all persons on board
  • Create an accident report, including sketches, and have it signed by all parties involved if possible
  • Report the damage in writing as soon as possible using the general damage report form linked below

After receiving your damage report, our claims department will contact you to discuss the next steps.

General Claims Form

Report a Skipper Liability or Professional Liability Claim

In the event of a claim under the skipper liability insurance or professional skipper liability insurance, please proceed as follows:

  • Do not make any statements or declarations to the injured party
  • Create a report detailing the damage and take pictures of the damage
  • Report the damage as quickly as possible (no later than one week) using the damage report form below

Submit the following documents digitally as soon as possible after reporting the damage:

  • A copy of your driver's license
  • If available: Witness statements
  • A copy of the correspondence regarding the claims made
  • Contact details of the injured party, including phone number, email, and address
  • Photos and sketches of the damage via email (email size not to exceed 5 MB)
  • Accident report from the relevant authority

After receiving your damage report, our claims department will contact you to discuss the next steps.

Skipper Liability Claims Form

Report a Charter Deposit Insurance Claim

In the event of a charter deposit damage, please proceed as follows:

  • Report the damage as quickly as possible (within 2 working days) using the damage report form below
  • Take photos (the entire boat with the boat name and the damaged area, detailed photos of the damage with a recognizable scale)
  • Create an accident report including sketches and have it signed by all involved parties if possible

    Submit the following documents to us promptly (within 14 days) after reporting the damage:

  • A copy of the skipper's license
  • The charter contract, including information about the deposit amount
  • Written proof of the amount withheld from the deposit
  • Address of the charter base, including phone number and email address
  • Pictures of the damage (please ensure the email size does not exceed 5 MB)
  • Handover and return protocols
  • For storm damage: proof of wind strength
  • For theft damage: police report
  • Invoices for repair or replacement costs

After receiving your damage report, our claims department will contact you to discuss the next steps.

Charter Deposit Claims Form

24 Hour Claims Hotline

To report claim, please dial the following phone number: +49 (0)30 214082-20

In important cases our claim management can be reached round the clock, seven days a week.